Jeg har kanskje isolert meg fra andre i det siste, men all har sinn grunn. Ikke alt som kan skrives på blogg og ikke alt som har full sin beste excuse. Um, på grunn av mye arbeid så har jeg ikke fått tid til noe. Dere aner ikke hvor mye jeg har lyst til å tilbringe dagen hjemme i Ørje istedet for å være i Halden 24/7. Jeg er så lei drama det går ann å få blitt. Har du et problem, snakk med meg :] Jeg prøver i hvertfall gjøre noe med livet mitt, støtt meg? Selv om kanskje ikke dere ser det så har jeg kommet langt med livet mitt med hjelp fra mange. Men jeg er ikke en som sitter og ikke har et liv. Jeg er meg selv, men jeg har kanskje blitt mer selvstendig. Sooner or later we grow up. Men en ting forandres aldri, vi er den samme. :/
We're getting older
I've started to fear for my life
is this the way that it should be?
this whole thing's riding on me
it's been a long road so far
with nowhere to turn
There's no looking back from here
no more dwelling on my fears
Miles away, and I wish this didn't mean so much to me
To be a monument for the rest of them
Miles away, and I wish this didn't mean so much to me
To be a monument for the rest of them
Twenty bucks says you'll remember me
When you see me on your TV screen
It may be the first time
But it won't be the last time
And I'll scream
so loud that everyone in this place
Will hear every word I say
'cause this is my time, this is my time to shine
let nothing stand in our way
We're getting older
I've started to fear for my life
is this the way that it should be?
this whole thing's riding on me
it's been a long road so far
with nowhere to turn
There's no looking back from here
no more dwelling on my fears
Miles away, and I wish this didn't mean so much to me
To be a monument for the rest of them
Miles away, and I wish this didn't mean so much to me
To be a monument for the rest of them
Twenty bucks says you'll remember me
When you see me on your TV screen
It may be the first time
But it won't be the last time
And I'll scream
so loud that everyone in this place
Will hear every word I say
'cause this is my time, this is my time to shine
let nothing stand in our way