Monday, October 6, 2008

Two Lefts Make One Right

I'm so bored right now. Like im study to this test for two hours now and i cant get it in. Sometimes i believe that something's wrong with me, and that they sent the wrong person to US. lol! Nah, Just tired. Oh, well. I just have to study for the biology test, Math test, Math home packet, the last drivers Ed test and the US government home packet before i do something else. Then i probably would get some sleep before i have to get up at 6 am to go and take the test for drivers Ed. Sounds like fun, huh? And i didn't get the chance to do my homework before 6 pm so i have a lot of hours ahead of me. One things that makes it worth it is the AVA concert tomorrow. I really cant wait ^^ It would be SO awesome, believe me :))

This is my first blog on english so take it easy if you find something that i wrote wrong. Later Kids :)


  1. Uuh, So much studying! They sent the right kid to US and A :D
    Good luck with all of your test!
    Have fun at the AvA gig :D

    Måtte bare skrive på engelsk :DD

  2. FUUUUCK YOU! -.- I want to see Angels and Airwaves.

    And since you write in english, I write in english to.
    Hey, sound fun with the homework. NOT. But it reminds me that I have homework to. I have to draw this thing.
    But have fun tonight, can you believe it, you going to se AVA :O

    Well, later kid, I cant wait to see all the photos and movies from the show :D

    How did I do in english? x)

  3. Erik: I know! Its so boring that didn't do all the homework. lol. Thank you :D It was awesome ^^

    Mari: Well, you have the chance :) Meet me in Vegas!
    Oh, drawing is something fun, but study all this time is not good for me. haha :D

    Oh well, you where not so bad. probably better then me ^^

  4. You going to Vegas? :O OMG, I want to. ''/
    I never did my homework x) I did it at school today!
    i now im good, you not!

  5. I want! Må bare få med noen folk først!!! :D Det du skrev nå beviste bare det motsatte x) lol


Thank you!